When we think about making a difference in the world, it’s easy to assume that big changes require big money. We often believe that only substantial donations can have a real impact. But at Thordis Foundation, we’ve seen firsthand how even the smallest contributions can create ripples of change that transform lives—especially for girls in developing countries who are fighting for their right to education.

The Power of €5

To many of us, €5 might seem like a small amount. It’s the cost of a cup of coffee, a quick snack, or a bus ride. But in the context of girls’ education, €5 can be monumental. Just €5 a month—€60 a year—can provide essential school supplies, including books, notebooks, and even a uniform, to a girl who otherwise wouldn’t have the resources to attend school. These tools are more than just materials; they are the building blocks of a brighter future.

Imagine a 12-year-old girl named Sita who dreams of becoming a teacher. Her family struggles to make ends meet, and school supplies are an impossible luxury. Without them, Sita would have to stay home, her dreams slipping further out of reach with each passing day. But with your €5 a month, Sita can receive the books and uniform she needs to step back into the classroom. It’s not just about learning math or reading—it’s about giving her the chance to dream again, to see a future beyond the confines of poverty.

Collective Impact

What makes €5 even more powerful is when it’s combined with the contributions of others. One person’s €5 might buy a notebook, but twelve people’s €5 can cover the entire year’s supply of books and materials for a girl. When a community comes together to support these girls, the impact is exponential. It’s a collective effort that empowers not just one girl, but an entire generation, lifting them out of poverty and into a future filled with possibilities.

At Thordis Foundation, we’ve seen the difference these small donations make. They provide stability in a child’s education, ensuring she has what she needs to stay in school and succeed. Over time, these consistent contributions add up to something far greater than their monetary value—they become the stepping stones to a life transformed.

Beyond Education

But the impact of €5 doesn’t stop at school supplies. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. When girls like Sita are able to stay in school, they gain the knowledge and skills they need to pursue better job opportunities, support their families, and contribute to their communities. The ripple effect is enormous. An educated girl is more likely to marry later, have fewer and healthier children, and earn an income that can lift her entire family out of poverty.

By investing just €5 a month, you’re not just buying a book or a uniform—you’re investing in a future leader, a change-maker, someone who will go on to make a difference in her community and beyond.

How You Can Help

Joining our mission is simple. For just €5 a month, you can make a world of difference. It’s a small commitment with a huge impact, one that helps girls like Sita continue their education and pursue their dreams. You don’t need to be wealthy to make a difference; you just need to care. And with Thordis Foundation, your caring becomes action, your action becomes impact, and your impact becomes a brighter future for girls in need.

So, the next time you think about how to make a difference, remember: big changes can start with something as small as €5. Together, we can unlock the potential of countless girls, one small donation at a time. Join us in this mission to turn dreams into reality—€5 at a time.